IDesign StudioTechnology

IDesign studio technology
The IDesign 2.0 Studio System from Johnson & Johnson is the latest FDA approved platform for vision correction. This technology utilizes a unique process to map the complete visual pathway, thus, delivering a procedure that is 100% personalized for our patient’s eye. A tailored vision correction treatment will provide unsurpassed clarity and quality of vision for day and night.
There are three main steps to complete in order to achieve a personalized IDesign treatment.
- Creating the map of the eye. This is done by creating a 3D map which measures how the eye processes waves of light. The IDesign technology captures over 1,200 points of data in the measurement of your eyes unique characteristics. All this high-quality data is the reason why this technology can provide an exceptional tailored treatment.
- The Intralase Femto laser creates a custom designed flap in order to prepare the cornea for its laser vision correction.
- The Excimer laser gently reshapes your cornea to the desired curvature, based on the precise plan created by your personalized eye map. At this point, your eye has been totally custom treated. Congratulations!
As a bonus, the IDesign 2.0 is also the only approved platform to treat monovision for those patients over the age of 40 years of age. Patients will be able to have highly customized treatments for far and near vision.
The long awaited time to have the amazing vision is here! Glasses, readers, contacts, solutions…WHY? Call today Katzen Eye Care & Laser Center to schedule your complimentary LASIK consultation. Enjoy your vision with a fully personalized LASIK treatment and the quality of care you expect to receive at Katzen Eye Care.